Fairlea Farm Goats: For Sale

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Last updated March 22, 2025

Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Sheep, and (Occasionally) Other Animals
For Sale

Click on the links below:
  1. Purchase Information
  2. Kids: Kids for Sale page, or 2025 Breeding/Kidding Schedule
  3. Adult Goats and Yearlings for Sale, Bucks for Lease
  4. Bantams, Call Ducks for sale


All goats are dual registered with AGS and ADGA, and the senior does are on milk test through the Langston DHI lab under the auspices of AGS and ADGA.

Follow links for pictures and further information on each goat.

Please email or call to discuss prices, reservations, and availability, and to set up appointments to visit.

Prices: Wethers (neutered males) are $250 each. Does and breeding bucks are individually priced according to their show potential and the quality of their parents - $50 off for a second doe or breeding buck.

Reservations are $100 for a doeling or buckling, $50 for a wether. I reserve the right to retain for my herd any kid born here. If you reserve a kid before it is born, the price listed on the kidding schedule at that time is locked in. If the doe does not produce enough offspring for the number of reservations, you may choose to have your deposit returned, or to apply it to another available kid. If you decide not to purchase an available kid that you reserved, your deposit is not refunded. Please make arrangements to take posession of the kid in a timely manner; otherwise, there may be board charges. Thank you for understanding and helping to make this process go smoothly.

All adult goats are blood tested for CAE, Johne's, and CL on a regular basis (about every two or three years), and all new animals are isolated and tested for those diseases, and for Brucellosis and TB as well. December, 2009, test results from Washington Disease Diagnostic Lab: all goats tested for CAE, CL, and Johnes; all sheep for CL and Johnes; the llama for Johnes -- all negative. April, 2011, all goats tested for CAE, CL, and Johnes -- all negative. January, 2013, all goats and sheep tested for CL and Johnes, goats for CAE and sheep for OPP -- all negative. February, 2016, all does tested for CAE, CL, and Johnes -- all negative again. September, 2018, all does and bucks again negative.

The kids are usually ready to go to their new homes around two to three months old. All kids are handled extensively and partially bottle-fed to make them friendly. When you pick up your kid at two months or older it will be disbudded, tattooed, wormed, vaccinated, and accompanied by a complete health record, and most wethers will already be wethered.

Buck kids are generally neutered at two to three months and sold as pets, although I will keep the most promising ones intact as long as possible. Write or call to see what kids are still available as bucks if you are interested.

The links in the breeding/kidding tables go to the dams' and sires' pages, and to individual pictures of each kid. Kid pictures are usually taken around a couple weeks after they are born.

Goat Breeding/Kidding Schedule 2025
GCH Fairlea Mhairi Fairlea Daedalus 9/22/24 2/19/25 T1 buck, dark buckskin does $800
Fairlea Enya Dragonfly Jack Sparrow 10/6/24 2/27/25 T2 buck, gold and white does $500
Fairlea Amazing Grace Fairlea Daedalus 10/15/24 3/10/25 T3 buck, buckskin
T4 doe, buckskin/chamoisée and white
T5 buck, buckskin and white
T6 buck, buckskin/chamoisé and white
does $500
GCH Fairlea Philippa Fairlea Daedalus 10/21/24 3/19/25 T7 buck, dark buckskin and white
T8 buck, buckskin mostly white
T9 doe, buckskin mostly white
does $800
Fairlea Maia Dragonfly Jack Sparrow 10/23/24 3/20/25 T10 duck, black and white
T11 buck, dark buckskin and white
T12 doe, black and white
T13buck, dark buckskin
does $500
Fairlea Edelweiss Fairlea Daedalus 11/1/24 3/26/25 . does $600
Fairlea Artemis Fairlea Daedalus 11/8/24 4/2/25 . does $500
Fairlea Emrys Fairlea Daedalus 11/13/24 4/7/25 . does $500
Fairlea Esmeralda Fairlea Daedalus 11/21, 12/18, 12/26 4/15, 5/12, 5/20 . does $700
Fairlea Freya Dragonfly Jack Sparrow 11/25, 12/4, 12/29 4/21, 4/29, 5/23 . does $600
Fairlea Janeen Dragonfly Jack Sparrow 3/10/25 8/2/25 . does $500



**My bucks are sometimes, but not often, available for lease to approved farms within driving distance. More often they are available for "driveway breedings" on the day a doe is in season, provided the doe has been blood tested for diseases such as CAE, Johnes, CL, TB, and Brucellosis. See the bucks at buckpage and email me for further information.

Old English silvers and black-breasted reds, all ages and both sexes. The roosters have absolutely stunning plumage, and they are very conscientious guardians of their hens and fathers to the chicks. The hens are excellent egg producers and mothers. They will also happily hatch and mother any other type of egg you put under them (duck, big chicken, game bird, etc.). Although the chickens are a bit oversized for show purposes, the eggs are therefore a very convenient size, just 1/2 the size of standard chicken eggs and just right for using in recipes.
Occasionally available. Variety of colors. Excellent for training herding dogs, also produce some eggs, but poor mothers. If you want to hatch their eggs without an electric brooder, you need a broody bantam or other accomodating chicken.