These are does I owned and loved. All my current does are descended from them, but they are deceased or I no longer own them. Some of the earlier pictures were taken in the days before I knew how to properly groom, pose, or "bag up" the goats for show purposes, so the pictures don't show as much about their conformation as I would like (especially for Rachael, Lydia, and Yoni), but they at least give an idea of what they looked like.
Southview Farms Rakel, my first breeding goat, is behind all of
the Nigerian dwarf does I have today. Information and pictures of Rachael and her first two daughters by Brush Creek Shiloh (Lydia and
Yoni) are also available on
Dragonfly Farm's reference page.
Fairlea Lydia and Fairlea Yoni
ARMCH Fairlea Heidi *D E, *M
ARMCH Fairlea Gretchen 2*D E, 2*M
ARMCH Fairlea Fleur 3*D E, 3*M
Fairlea Diana
Fairlea Electra
Fairlea Laurel
Fairlea Hollyhock *M
Fairlea Lindt 2*D E, 2*M
Fairlea Tosca 2*D E, *M
GCH Seraiah Farms LHY Ailia *M
Fairlea Ariel *D E
ARMCH Greenville Acres Ester *D, *M
ARMCH Fairlea Troy *D E *M
Fairlea Florence 4*D, 4*M
GCH Fairlea Marguerite 4*D E, 4*M
GCH Fairlea Linnet 3*D, 3*M
Fairlea Athena Ilia 2*D, 2*M
GCH Fairlea Francesca 5*D, 5*M
GCH Fairlea Amaryllis *D, 2*M
GCH Fairlea Margereen 5*D, 5*M
Fairlea Barbara 3*D, 3*M
GCH Fairlea Princess Grace 5*D, 5*M
Fairlea Sheer Grace 6*D, 6*M
SGCH Fairlea Eleanor 2*D, 2*M
1992 - 2003 (Stonewall's Blackjack X Stonewall's Virginia) Rachael was my first goat doe, the mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, etc. of almost all my other goats -- and a very sweet friend. More information and pictures at Dragonfly Farm's page. |
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  7/29/95 - 6/16/12   ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S E X Fairlea Lydia   Heidi's page   Pedigree ![]() | ||
Gold and white, pictured in 2004. Holder of the AGS "Oldest Doe on Test" record (earned in 2010 at 13 years, 11 months). Heidi was my heart goat. There was never any question from the moment of her birth that Heidi was a keeper, and that her name was Heidi. She soon placed herself in charge of my sanity -- whenever I was upset about anything, she came over wearing an inquiring expression, leaned against me, looked up into my face, and simply exuded calmness and support. (The grumpy expression on her face in the picture is not grumpiness but just an unattractive moment of cud-chewing when the photographer snapped the picture. She chews her cud for picture-taking.) It was just the best luck that she also turned out to be my first winning doe, and her patient attitude and long teats made her a pleasure to milk. She absolutely loved showing; no handler was needed - she showed herself, set herself up perfectly and stood like a rock, chewing her cud with a blissful expression on her face.
For most of her life she was "Queen" of the herd (a very kindly queen, much more diplomatic than her predecessor, her mother Lydia, had been), a position she never relinquished until she was very old and feeble. Even then the other goats never challenged her about it; they just quietly resolved it among themselves and left her dignity intact. After her first win, my editor spotted her Best Udder certificate on my desk at work -- he thought it was so funny that he added her to the newspaper's "People" column (under the heading "Goats") and had a lot fun writing about her "udderly wonderful win" and her "udderly delightful personality." Heidi has left her impact on the breed as the producer of a long, unbroken line of champion does: her daughter Gretchen, then Gretchen's daughter Fleur, Fleur's Marguerite, and Marguerite's Margereen (so far). Heidi's daughters Lindt, Laurel, and Tosca and sons Hamlet, Siegfried and Tristan are also producing many outstanding generations. And those are just the ones I know about personally; other sons and daughters living on other farms are producing well, too.   AGS Classified: Excellent with a score of 90.9 in August, 2004. Show wins (all AGS): 3 GrCH (including one BB over challengers), 5 Best Udder, 5 Best of Breed as a champion Important wins: Best of Breed Doe at the ANDDA National Specialty on June 24, 2005, at the AGS National show week in Springfield, MA. At just one month short of 10 years old, she defeated many of the top does in the northeast, including the one that won AGS National Champion Doe the next day. My son Cedric had the thrill of his career so far, because he was the lucky handler showing her! Other big winners that weekend were Fairlea Fleur (ANDDA Best Udder), Fairlea Troy (ANDDA Grand Champion Junior Doe) and Stonewall's Diggory Venn (AGS National Champion Buck)! |
  3/26/98 - 10/16/14   MCH Fairlea Diggory Venn X ARMCH Fairlea Heidi   Gretchen's page   Pedigree   | ![]() | ![]() |
Gold and white, side picture in 2005 by Joanne Karohl, rear in 2002 by Anne Petersen. Gretchen seemed fated to be one of those who wins lots of reserves and no championships because she didn't like showing (the grumpy expression on her face in the picture was fairly common in the ring), until the age of seven, when she suddenly won three successive shows in August, 2005, to finish her permanent MCH. And then she decided she liked showing! That's what an atmosphere of appreciation will do for a goat! Her final win completed three generations of MCH does, Heidi (grandmother) - Gretchen (mother) - Fleur (daughter) -- and now five generations, with Fairlea Marguerite and Fairlea Margereen.
  AGS Classification Score: 91.1, Excellent. Show Wins (all AGS): 3 Senior GrCh, 3 Reserves. |
  4/16/00 - 3/13/15   Rosasharns Julius X ARMCH Fairlea Gretchen   Fleur's page   Pedigree | ![]() Photos by Joanne Karohl | ![]() |
Cream and white, pictured in 2004. Although less than 20 inches tall and a bit on the dumpy side, Fleur was very dairy and a fabulous milker, who produced the highest volume of milk in my barn until her daughters Florence and Marguerite hit their stride. She had the best udder I have ever seen, very large in proportion to her size, very tightly attached, with wonderfully large, soft teats and a huge area of attachment. Judge Harvey Consodine summed up her talents in 2003, when, on bending over to examine her udder, he exclaimed, "Oh, my, you're a real working girl, aren't you!" At each of her Grand Champion wins, the judge viewed the lineup in her class and said some variant of, "I think everyone will agree it's obvious who wins this class!" before awarding her the blue ribbon. And two of them commented on her "incredible" udder. An outstanding producer, too: she has at least three champion daughters that I know of, and several sons who have been shown (I don't know if they are champions, though).
  AGS Classification: 91.1 Excellent, in 2006 Show wins (all AGS): 3 GrCh, 4 Reserves, 6 Best Udder Most Important Win: Best Udder at the 2005 ANDDA National Specialty, held at the AGS Nationals in Springfield, MA. |
  MCH Stonewall's Diggory Venn x Southview Farms Rakel   Born 3/15/99, sold 2004   |
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  | Photo by Joanne Karohl |
  MCH Stonewall's Diggory Venn x Fairlea Yoni   Born 3/29/97, sold 2004   |
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  | Photo by Joanne Karohl |
  MCH Stonewall's Diggory Venn x ARMCH Fairlea Heidi *D E   Born 4/20/02, sold 2007 ![]() ![]() | ||
Red/gold roaned, mostly white. Side picture in 2005, rear in 2007. Her AGS classification score was 89.5. Laurel had a beautiful body; very short, upright pasterns; a beautiful, but somewhat small udder; and a very sweet personality. She was also a very little goat (under 20 inches), but had no trouble producing and feeding twins and triplets. She moved to Fonnie Thoman's Riverview Farm in Crown City, Ohio. |
  Rosasharn's Julius X Fairlea Laurel   Born 6/10/05, sold 2009 ![]() ![]() | ||
Various shades of gold and white, a twin. Photos in 2007 at her first freshening. Hollyhock now lives with Lisa Olinger at Hickory Grove Farm. |
  3/24/03 - 3/13/12   Rosasharn's Julius X ARMCH Fairlea Heidi   Lindt's page   Pedigree | ![]() | ![]() |
We lost our lovely Lindt unexpectedly and miss her very much. She was a very special goat, one of the liveliest characters in the barn, sweet, friendly, and interested in everything and everyone. She had to unplug every electric plug within reach, and she would do it quickly with an air of having accomplished a necessary chore with zest - you could almost see her grinning mischevously, brushing her hands together and saying, "There, that's done!" as she trotted away afterwards with her head up and her tail wagging, on to the next task. None of my other goats even seem to see those plugs most of the time.
Lindt was named in honor of her chocolate-and-cream look and her mother Heidi's German name. She was very dairy, yet had lots of width and depth like her mother and a lovely and very productive udder, described by one judge as "near perfect." She was always a pleasure to milk, well behaved on the milk stand, with perfectly placed teats, big orifices, and lots of milk. In 2010 she looked especially good and won Reserve Senior Doe at all three of the shows she went to (I just wish I had been able to go to more shows that year!). Again in 2011 she looked great and won her second AGS/first ADGA Grand Champion leg and also first place in her class at the ADGA National. She only needed one more leg for a permanent championship, and I was expecting her to get it in 2013.
  AGS Classification Score: E, 92.1 by Tim Flickinger on 6/25/11 at age 8, with particular commendation for "dairy character." Show wins: 2 Gr Ch (1 ADGA, 2 AGS legs), 6 Reserves, 4 Best Udder. 2011 ADGA National Show: First place in aged doe class (7-plus years old) and one of only six does asked to milk out for best udder competition. |
  3/3/05 - 9/10/15   Twin Creeks BW Giacomo Puccini X ARMCH Fairlea Heidi   Tosca's page   Pedigree ![]() ![]() | ||
Tosca died suddenly and unexpectedly on September 10, 2015. We miss her very much. She was a shaded red with facial markings, dorsal stripe, and frosted ears and nose. Photos 2011, her fifth freshening. She had one Junior and one Senior Grand Champion AGS leg, and one ADGA senior leg. She was a very productive milker whose most salient characteristic was an amazing medial - something the breed needs a lot more of. She was such a nice doe to milk - a soft udder; big, soft, well placed teats; and that amazing medial.
  Show Wins: AGS: 1 Junior GrCh, 1 Senior GrCh; ADGA: 1 Senior GrCh. |
  Cream-of-Kansas D Long Haul X Seraiah Farms' VW Yvette   3/6/2010 - 7/16/2016   Ailia's page ![]() ![]() | ||
Red bay and black. Sadly, I lost my sweet Ailia at only six years old, from pregnancy toxemia. She left behind a lovely half-Nigerian daughter who I hope will carry on her personality, beauty, and tremendous milk production. The pictures are from fall, 2013, during the second year of Ailia's first lactation. I wanted to experience "big goats" and couldn't resist the elegant look of this breed. Thank you, Michael Covey, for this utterly sweet and lovely girl!
  Show wins: I only took her to three shows in 2013, and she won GrCH and BB at all three and finished her CH at only three years old! This included one show with an empty udder; I got confused and milked her out for the Best in Show competition in the first ring of a two-ring show before we had been in the second ring. But she still won in the second ring! |
  3/22/2001 - 9/9/2017   Stonewall's Apocalypse Now X Fairlea Diana   Ariel's page   Pedigree | ![]() | ![]() |
On 9/9/17 we said goodbye to Ariel, one of my sweetest goats ever. Everyone loved her and visitors just naturally gravitated toward her. When I was milking other goats, she would often come over and rest her muzzle on my leg, hoping for a scratching, but not insisting if I didn't have a free hand. She had drammatic coloring, black-and-cream buckskin with frosted ears and nose and a gigantic moon spot across her neck and left shoulder. The udder picture is 2007, side picture 2004 by Joanne Karohl. She had a beautiful, deer-like elegance; an amazingly round, capacious udder; and a calm, eager-to-please personality. She actually won three AGS Grand Champion legs and should have been a champion, but she didn't get credit for one because her tattoo had faded so badly it was indecypherable. (Note: White tattoo ink is not permanent!)
  AGS Classification: 90.1 Excellent Show wins: 3 GrCh (3 AGS, 1 ADGA), 1 Reserve, 3 Best Udder |
2/20/06 - 11/11/17   Old Mountain Farm Leonardo X Fairlea Electra   Ester's page   Pedigree ![]() ![]() | ||
Gold with frosted nose and ears. I lost her to Listeriosis very suddenly and heartbreakingly on 11/11/17. My first ever listeriosis case in 25 years with goats, and it went much too fast. I miss her insatiable
curiosity and interest in everything - probably because she was a bottle baby and very humanized, she always wanted to see what I was doing and what was happening, especially if it had anything to do
with food. She was a real food hound, though always stayed thin and beautifully dairy. Ester came to me at two weeks old, as a "kid back" arrangement, after I sold her mother to Brian Jennings of
Greenville Acres. Thanks, Brian, for this lovely doe!
The pictures are from summer, 2012, her fifth freshening. She got an AGS leg as a junior but was shown very little as a young adult, because I had too many others to show and she is so dairy that she needed more time to mature. She looked better every year, and her udder was still improving with her fifth freshening. She is finished in AGS and has two legs in ADGA, one as Best in Show. Unfortunately, she had a very difficult kidding in 2013 (her seventh freshening) and never got pregnant again, so I had to stop showing her and she never finished her GCH, which she could have gotten easily if I had just held back her daughter for another show or two (Eleanor beat her at Esther's next-to-last show, which was Eleanor's first show as a senior doe). She is the dam of SGCH Fairlea Elise, 2011 ADGA raffle kid won by Anita Beck of Sweet
Garden Farm, who in at the 2016 ADGA Nationals won Reserve Best Udder, 1st Dam and Daughter, Total Performer, and Top Producer, and Top Producer again in 2017. Ester and her sister Troy make two champion
offspring for her mother Fairlea Electra.
  4/23/04 - 3/4/18   Stonewall's Apocalypse Now X Fairlea Electra   Troy's page   Pedigree | ![]() | ![]() |
Black-and-mahogany buckskin with white markings and frosted ears and nose, born 4/23/04. She lived to a ripe and dignified old age of 14, beautiful to the end - in fact, the first and only time she underwent Linear Appraisal she was 11 years old, yet received an overall score of 91! Photos are from August, 2008 (third freshening).
Troy was beautifully elegant and smoothly blended, a pleasure to look at - and she knew it. She walked with dignity around the barnyard and pasture, sometimes pausing in a proud stance just to let everyone appreciate her beauty and accept our obeisance. She finished her AGS MCH title in 2009 with some Best Udders, several reserves, and many firsts. I never showed her in any ADGA shows after ADGA admitted the Nigerian breed, because I had many younger does who needed to earn titles and she already had her AGS one, but I am sure she could have finished an ADGA championship quickly if I had tried.
  4/10/04 - 5/17/18   Stonewall's Apocalypse Now X ARMCH Fairlea Fleur   Florence's page   Pedigree ![]() ![]() | ||
Black-and-cream buckskin. Photos from 2010. Florence lived to the ripe old age of 14. She and her half-sister Troy (through their father Stonewall Apocalypes Now - "Paco") were together all their lives, and Florence died only two months after Troy.
Florence came down from three generations of champions (Heidi to Gretchen to Fleur). She had two outstanding half-sisters: Troy on her father's side and Marguerite on her mother's side. She was taller and more elegant than her mother, but had her mother's big, milkable teats and in her prime was the second highest-producing milker in my barn (after Marguerite). Only shown twice as a yearling, because I had so many yearlings to show that year, she still won her Junior leg. As a senior she got caught in the changeover from AGS-sanctioned to ADGA-sanctioned shows when AGS shows disappeared in our area and ADGA became the only venue available. She had to play catch-up at the same time as many other outstanding AGS champions who were also trying to play catch-up in ADGA, and then was out of commission for two years with a leg injury. After she had recovered from the injury, she received her second ADGA leg, but the same year, in 2013, she had a kidding issue and never kidded again (two dead kids out of 5 total, probably due to high phytoestrogen content of the feed, which is why I changed to all non-GMO, non-Roundup, non-soy grains). So she is one win short of a championship in both AGS and ADGA. The first year I signed up for ADGA Linear Appraisal was 2014 (if only I had started the year before!), so she never got a score for that, either, although I think she would have done very well.
  4/1/05 - 8/8/19   MCH Rosasharn's Tiger L X ARMCH Fairlea Fleur   Marguerite's page   Pedigree ![]() ![]() | ||
Gold and white. Udder photo from 2011; side photo from 2010. Such a sweet personality. Marguerite lived to the age of 14 and was still producing kids at age 12, when I decided to retire her.
Marguerite was a fourth-generation champion and Florence's younger half-sister. She had a fabulous udder, the highest and widest in my herd. In her prime she was also the highest milk producer in my herd, especially surprising for such a little doe. For several years she came within 4-8 pounds of Top Ten listing for milk production in the breed in both AGS and ADGA, but after I changed feed (no GMO alfalfa hay or feeds, and also started mixing my own lower-protein grain with no soy and no Roundup), she didn't come as close to the top producers. A pity, but to me healthy food and healthy kids is more important than Top Ten status, and the constant exposure to Roundup and soy was killing a lot of my kids, causing severe mineral imbalances, and made three of my best-ever does (Heidi, Fleur, Florence) permanently infertile much too young, due to fetal deaths. I am very happy with the results from eliminating soy and GMO and mixing my own grains. My goats are producing a lot more live kids and seem all-around healthier now.
  Flat Rocks Night Raven X Fairlea Lindt 2*D VG, 2*M   7/1/08 - 12/6/19   Linnet's page ![]() ![]() | ||
  Black-and-cream buckskin but mostly white, a triplet. A very sweet, elegant girl and an excellent producer. Pictures from 2015 - the udder looked better earlier in that season, but unfortunately I didn't get a good picture then, and none in 2014. She looked like she was slowing down in fall 2019, and when extreme cold arrived so early that winter, it was too much for her. Show Wins: Spring 2014 she looked magnificent and she won Grand Champion Senior Doe and Best of Breed (over competition) at the Southern Maine double shows,
  Dragonfly RY Stonewall Jackson x ARMCH Fairlea Troy   Athena's page ![]() ![]() | ||
Roaned chamoisée-and-white doe, born 2/22/15. A big (but in-size), strong-boned, deep-chested and impressive doe who produces lots of milk. She now lives at the Honig Dairy Goat Farm in East Dover, Vermont with several of her old friends from here.
  Show wins: ADGA Linear Appraisal Results: 2017: VEV+ 87 - Karen Smith 2018: EEEV 89 - Eric Jermain |
Fairlea Hamlet x Fairlea Florence Francesca's page | ![]() | ![]() |
Chocolate and cream buckskin, born 4/24/12. Photos from 2015, her second freshening. Francesca now lives at the Honig Dairy Goat farm in East Dover, Vermont with several of her offspring and other friends from here.
Show wins: Shown only once as junior, she won Junior Grand Champion. As a first freshener, she won several first placements and two Reserves; and in 2016 as a third freshener she won one ADGA Grand Champion leg and a reserve, and in 2017 her third GCH. ADGA Linear Appraisal Results: 2014: V+VV 86 - Bob Bartholomew 2015: +VVE 87 - Eric Jermain 2017: VVEV 88 - Karen Smith |
4/12/09 - 9/22/20 Dawnland Tabby's Halifax X Fairlea Hollyhock Amaryllis's page | ![]() | ![]() |
Gold with white belt and frosted ears and nose, a quad. Because she was small and unassuming, she didn't do a lot of winning until she was six years old. When she won that first Grand Champion leg, judge Daniel Considine-Portage commented that she was the only Nigerian there that truly fit the description "a miniature version of a standard dairy goat." Then in 2016, she won Grand Champion at the second and third shows I went to. So my sweet, meek little girl became a permanent Grand Champion. Amaryllis is the only one of my goats who can boast of a theatrical career - she played the admiral's goat in the Concord (MA) Players 2012 performance of "Mr Rogers." Show wins: Three senior ADGA Grand Champion wins and one Reserve. ADGA Linear Appraisal Results: 2014: VEVV 87 - Bob Bartholomew 2015: EVVE 91 - Eric Jermain |
4/18/10 - 7/21/20 MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax E X GCH Fairlea Marguerite 4*D, 4*M Margereen's page | ![]() | ![]() |
Gold and white with frosted ears, born 4/18/10, a triplet. Side photo from 2014 (her third freshening), rear photo from her second freshening in 2013. Margereen was so long as a kid it was hard to get a kid picture of her that didn't look unnatural - but I promise that I really didn't Photoshop it! (Who has time for that, anyway?) As an adult, she had a gorgeous body and an extremely well-attached and productive udder. She is a fifth generation champion, coming down through Heidi, Gretchen, Fleur, and Marguerite.
Flat Rocks Night Raven x ARMCH Fairlea Gretchen 3/14/09 - 11/10/21 Barbara's page | ![]() | ![]() |
Polled, black-and-mahogany buckskin, born 3/15/09, a quad. Pictures are from June, 2013, as a four-year-old second freshener. Unfortunately, I couldn't seem to get any pictures that properly show her really outstanding teat placement, one of her best features. Show wins: One Reserve Grand Champion as a senior in milk. ADGA Linear Appraisal Results: 2014: VEEV 88 2015: VEEV 89 |
  MCH/CH Dawnland Tabby's Halifax E x Fairlea Florence 4*D, 4*M   Grace's page   5/11/10 - 9/11/23 | ![]() | ![]() |
Sadly, we lost Grace on 9/11/23 at the age of 13 1/2, a good, long life. She is sorely missed: For most of the last year she has been constantly present, wandering around, grazing, visiting anyone working outside, or lying in the sun. All our old goats get free rein of the place when they reach the stage of old age when the other goats start being mean to them, and they all enjoy their freedom. Black-and-gold buckskin, born 5/11/10, a twin. Photos from 2015, her fourth freshening. Another long one and another Junior Best in Show Halifax daughter/Fleur granddaughter, but much wider than her half-sister Margereen. Grace and Margereen are half-sisters out of half-sisters (Florence and Marguerite)and their daughters Irene and Sheer Grace are half-sisters out of half-sisters out of half-sisters! Show wins: Won Best in Show with her Junior leg (with legs for both ADGA and AGS), then got two ADGA Grand Champions as a senior to finish her title this year (2015). ADGA Linear Appraisal Results: 2014: VEEE 90 2015: VVEE 89 |
Dragonfly RY Stonewall Jackson x GCH Fairlea Princess Grace Sheer Grace's page   6/11/14 - October 2023 | ![]() | ![]() |
Buckskin/Chamoisée doe, born 6/11/14. She died in 2023. Photos of her second freshening, 2017. With the longest teats in my herd, she was really fun to hand milk,
but I sold her to Lori Zanin in Westport, MA. Later, I bought her back, because I haven't gotten doe kids from her mother since then and I missed milking her beautiful, huge teats so much. Unfortunately, she got a bad case of mastitis the next year and was never bred again, but she gave me a lovely daughter, Amazing Grace. Show wins: Shown only once as a junior, she won her ADGA Junior Grand Champion leg and didn't need to go back until she became a senior. ADGA Linear Appraisal Results: 2017: +VV+ 84 |
Fairlea Jean Valjean X ARMCH Greenville Acres Ester Eleanor's page   4/16/10 - 12/7/23 | ![]() | ![]() |
ADGA Elite List (top 5 percent of ADGA registered does in milk production, list started in 2015): Listed for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Unfortunately she stopped kidding in 2019. We lost Eleanor unexpectedly 12/7/23 -- she was fine and healthy-looking almost up until the day she died, just slowed down the last few days. Gold and white with frosted ears and nose, born 4/16/10, a triplet. The side picture is from 2013, her second freshening; rear is from 2012. I held her back and didn't show her much as an adult because I was afraid she would beat her own mother Ester, who had a hard kidding in 2013 and I didn't know if she would ever get pregnant again and be able to finish the ADGA championship she was working on - and, sure enough, the only time I showed both, Eleanor beat Ester, even though I kept taking more and more milk out of Eleanor's udder to make her less competitive. So, sadly, Ester finished her championship in AGS but not in ADGA. Eleanor is the highest-producing Nigerian doe I have ever had; her first year was so prolific I felt sure she would earn ADGA Top Ten listing for milk production in the breed the next year, but I changed feed (no alfalfa hay was available and also I started mixing my own lower-protein grain with no soy and no Roundup), and after that she didn't come as close. A pity, but to me healthy food and healthy kids is more important than Top Ten status, and the constant exposure to Roundup and soy was killing a lot of my kids, causing severe mineral imbalances, and made three of my best-ever does (Heidi, Fleur, Florence) permanently infertile much too young, due to fetal deaths. I am very happy with the results from eliminating soy and GMO and mixing my own grains. My goats are producing a lot more live kids and seem all-around much healthier now. Show wins: Three Senior Grand Champion (ADGA), one Senior Reserve, two Junior reserves, and one Best in Show! ADGA Linear Appraisal Results: 2015: EEEE 91 |